Top 10k strings from Woggler - Son of Toggler (1993)(Chezron Software)[f].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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5 23637+256* 2 D*"CONTENTS" 2 ;"WOGGLER" 1 variables are first copied to 1 toggles you between modes." 1 the line with... 1 switches from 128k to 48k mode 1 remove the rest of the progam, 1 program then use.. 1 on the extra 128k variables rem-aining in the 48k Printer Bufferarea of memory, which meant thatTOGGLER was not directly usable with any program which required this area of RAM (23296-23551)." 1 loaded in 128k mode, then a callto the line (ie. GOSUB 9409) 1 in line 9409, but is relocatable" 1 high memory (63296 onward) and aflag is set before switching to 1 deliner 1 area, before the mode-switch is performed." 1 and is embedded in a Basic REM 1 and back, on a +3 or a 128k, ina running program." 1 XTRACT & INSTALL THE ROUTINE 1 WOGGLER 1 This is an update of TOGGLER by Malcolm Goodman, which was in 1 This is an update of Malcolm 1 The program must initially be 1 The difference from the originalprogram, is that now the 128k 1 The code's in a REM in the Basicline No.9409. Press a key to 1 The code is now 177 bytes long 1 TOGGLE UDG 1 Or: ~SON of TOGGLER~ 1 On the next call to the routine,a positive test of the flag willindicate that a 128 to 48 mode- change has previously been made,so the 128k Vars. are re-copied to the Printer Buffer memory 1 OUTLET issue 76, and enables oneto switch from 128k mode to 48k mode AND BACK AGAIN!" 1 LEICESTER LE4 3FF 1 If initially loaded in 48k mode,the routine stays in 48k mode." 1 ISSUED IN OUTLET! 1 Goodman's piece of code which 1 DRIVE, BIRSTALL 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CHEZRON SOFTWARE 1 ANY KEY.....": 1 ANY KEY...": 1 ALL ENQUIRIES TO: 1 9409 to change mode. 1 60<00*00002 1 48k mode." 1 34, SALTERSGATE 1 23638-39": 1 23638-148": 1 23638-0184": 1 23638-0178": 1 23638-0080": 1 '" 1 "A:WOGGLER" 1 "9";"PRESS ANY KEY": 1 "23608",O: 1 End of Mode-Woggle-Toggle Info 1 128 CHARS 1 "The original program had a smalldisadvantage in that it relied 1 MODE-WOGGLE INFORMATION 1 AUTOCHARS PLUS !